Monday, November 25, 2013

Turkey Time

I once showed up to a Thanksgiving costume party dressed as an Indian. I was the only one sporting braided pigtails and beads in a sea of starched black and white. I'm pretty sure we used this pattern:

When my fully pilgrim-ized second grade teacher asked me why I didn't dress like a pilgrim as she had requested, I rolled my eyes and said "How else will the pilgrims get corn for Thanksgiving if there aren't any Indians?" [I have a thing about corn.] How could somebody persecute an Indian at a Thanksgiving party? (Ha.) So for the majority of my childhood, I had a sort of anti-pilgrim thing. But really, how can you hate on pilgrims that look like this, especially when they have a Native American pal with really cool pants?
Gurley candles, Etsy

At Thanksgiving, I have always loved turkeys the most, though. Nothing excited me more in elementary school than painting my hand, pressing it firmly on thick construction paper, and making the world's cutest turkey out of it. Or cutting bright construction paper feathers and gluing them to a vaguely bird-shaped blob provided by my teacher. As an adult, I like cowboy turkeys:

 And turkeys in hats:

 And turkeys who tell jokes:

Turkeys and funny violence:


And you know I can't resist turkeys driving a giant ear of corn!

Ahhh! Corn. And turkey! I can smell Thanksgiving already.

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